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Showing posts with the label Avon

Earn in Your Pajamas

  Are you looking for a way to earn some extra money from home?  Do you enjoy working in your pajamas? If this sounds like you, then we recommend selling Avon. When you sell Avon, you can run your business from the comfort of your home. Work from your bed, desk, kitchen, or your favorite chair. To sell Avon in your PJs, take these few simple steps: Sign up to  become a Representative . You can set up your Avon business conveniently with easy-to-use tools and support to help you crush your goals. Curate your online Avon store. You’ll have your own free online store that customers can shop at 24/7, access to special perks, and so much more! Set up your store to highlight your fave products.  Be sure to communicate with customers via phone and text to keep them up to date on the latest products and exclusive offers. Build your social sales presence and connect with the beauty community. Learn how to become a social media maven with our dedicated Social Selling training team and AVON U, ou

How to Become an Avon Representative

  Start your dream gig in just a few steps! Part-time or full-time, online or in-person, sell Avon anytime, anywhere. It only takes a few minutes to join and it’s as easy as 1, 2, or 3! 1. Tell us a few details like your name and email address to get started. 2. Fall in love with top-trending beauty and share out your free personal online store link. 3. Start selling, score special extras and get on the path to big earnings! Ready to start earning? Become an Avon Representative! We Give You Everything You Need to Succeed Tools to Manage Your Business 24/7 Personalize your free online store, then text, email and share the link on social with friends and family for instant sales. Plus, you can sell anywhere and anytime with our mobile app. Tips to Network Like a Pro Explore dedicated training in AVON U to learn about the products, and how to make the most of your digital store and promote your beauty business. Amazing Avon Representative Benefits Get access to exclusive Avon Perks includ

How to Get Rid of Fine lines

  WEAR SUNSCREEN As you may already know, wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 goes a long way in preventing cancer.   You may not know that sunscreen also slows the signs of aging.  So wear that sunscreen on the beach, but remember using moisturizing sunscreen on your face daily  will benefit your skin for the long haul. LIMIT YOUR SUGAR INTAKE Sugar in the body starts the process of glycation.  This is not beneficial, over time it breaks down the  collagen in the body causes your looks to age.   So limit your sugar intake and avoid oil-rich foods to  retain that youthful glow. CUT OUT SMOKING A study took identical twins and showed that the one that smokes appeared to be older.   This proof that smoking affects the skin. Not to mention the high risk of cancer when you are a  smoker.  SWITCH UP YOUR SLEEP POSITION   Wrinkles are caused by the position you sleep in.  It's called compression your face presses against the  pillow the same way night after night.  Your skin becomes weak


 Cellulite is the formation of lumps and-- dimples in the skin.  It can be found in both men and women, but it is more common in women.  Around 80-90 percent will experience cellulite at some point in their life.   Grade 1 Orange-peel appearance and slightly draped or sagging skin Grade 2 medium depth depression, a cottage cheese appearance, and moderately sagging skin Grade 3  Very deep depression, a mattress appearance, and severely sagging skin.  Hormonal Factor and age Hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development.   noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process. One theory is estrogen decreases in women during menopause, blood flow to the skin decreases. This low circulation means less oxygen and low collagen production.  Fat cells enlarge as well.  The above factors make fat deposits more visible.  The fat under the weakened connective tissue causes the dimpling effect.  Aging skin is more likely to sag increasing th

4 Drinks you should avoid for clearer skin

  Its common knowledge that what you eat and what you drink can for the sure impact the health of your skin. Today I want to explore how some common everyday drinks affect the skin and alternatives you can have instead. FIZZY DRINKS Foods can hurt your skin. Let's talk about Fizzy drinks. These drinks are loaded with sugar, a can coke has around 39g of sugar. That's more than the daily recommended amount. These fizzy drinks also slow regeneration, because these drinks affect your chromosomes. This is a precursor to premature aging, which eventually affects your skin. So just understand that fizzy drinks cause fine lines and wrinkles. ALCOHOL The no-brainer on this list is alcohol. I don't have a high opinion of alcohol when on the topic of skincare. There are way too many reasons to list as to why it's not good for your skin. Here are the basics. Alcohol is an inflammatory So if you suffer from acne this isn't good news. Alcohol is also a vasodilator mea

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