Some are more prone than other to dry skin. Gentle treatments and remedies can relieve dry skin and prevent it coming back.
What Causes it?
Your skin produces sebum. Sebum is important because it keeps the skin hydrated and protected from infection. Some times the skin does not produce enough sebum so the skin becomes dry. Dry skin will appear flaky dull or ruff.
Possible causes of dry dehydrated skin are:
* dry air
* harsh chemical usage
* washing skin excessively
* unbalanced skin ph
* too much sun
* diabetes
* certain skin conditions
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There several ways to treat dry skin
1. Moisturize daily
Moisturizers improve the skin's natural barrier, which promotes water retention. There are lots of choices when it comes to moisturizers. It may take some trial and error for you to find the right one for your skin type.
Skin friendly moisturizers contain these beneficial ingredients:
* hyaluronic acid
* ceramides
*colloidal oatmal
Some moisturizers may contain drying agents that will make dry skin worse. In general you should avoid products the contain:
* alcohols
*artificial fragrances or colors
* dioxane
*petrolatum or petroleum
Some prefer natural moisturizers to relieve dry skin these include:
*pure aloe vera gel
* shea butter
*coconut oil
2. Use a gentle cleanser
Soaps that contain fragrances, colors and chemicals can irritate and dry out the skin. It is best to choose mild fragrance-free cleaner.
Ingredients to avoid:
* sodium lauryl sulfate
* parabens
* diethanolamine
* monoethanlamine
* triethanilamine
3. Exfoliate to remove excess dry skin
The skin naturally make new cells and sheds old cells, it takes about 4 weeks to replace itself. When dead cell become stuck on the surface you will experience dry patches and clogged pores. Exfoliating removes the dead skin which improves skin's overall texture. Exfoliates can be mechanical or chemical.
Mechanical include:
* cleansing brushes
* exfoliating washcloths
* facial scrubs
Chemical include
* alpha-hydroxy acids
* beta-hydroxy acids
They increase cellular turnover, which keeps skin soft and supple.
Exfoliation should only be 2-3 times a week. You don't want to overdue it. To much of a good thing can be bad. The first time you should try on a small area of skin to make sure you will not have a reaction. Make sure to apply a quality moisturizer after you exfoliate.
4. Practice better bathing habits
It is best to use warm not hot water, so not to strip the natural oils. It is recommended to shower no longer than 10 mins. Always remember to moisturizer after washing.
5. Use a humidifier
Constantly running the AC or heating indoors removes the air from the air and your skin. So limit the use of the AC or use a humidifier to put moisture back into the air.
6. Medication
A dermatologist may prescribe medication when your skin does not respond to conventional treatments. Most of these meds contain a steroid called hydro cortisone.
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People can use the following tips to prevent dry skin on their face:
- washing the face daily with a gentle cleanser
- wearing sunscreen every day
- applying moisturizer after bathing or washing the face
- using warm, not hot, water when washing the face and bathing
- staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water
- limiting caffeine intake
- limiting time in direct sunlight
- avoiding artificial tanning
- using a humidifier
- quitting smoking, if necessary

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